In the 1960’s a moral revolution burst upon the American scene radically changing ethics and morality. It placed in jeopardy existing ideals for marriage, family and society.

As we entered the 21st Century, the moral shift continues to affect all levels of society. We especially see it evidenced in the “Realty-based” TV programs, movies and on the internet.

There appears to be no limits to the efforts to lower the moral standards of society. In the midst of these radical moral changes in society there are mixed reactions as to what really is moral.

In the past most Americans had a deep sense of moral values woven into the very fabric of our humanity. The essential ingredient of morality, which is passed along from one generation to the next, is that which is understood to be in harmony with God’s original design for mankind. The clarion call for us is to live as true human beings according to God’s plan and purpose.

The radical moral shift occurred with the introduction of moral relativism, which does not recognize God as the final authority for right or wrong or even life itself. Instead, each person or group of people can set their own standards of truth and determine for themselves what is right or wrong in society. Everyone does “what is right in their own eyes,” with no consideration for God or His Word.

It is becoming quite apparent that the moral decline in America may not be changing for the better. Some observers, both Christian and non-Christian, are dismayed and feel helpless to turn back the clock. They fear it will get worse and not better.

Others are attempting to make a difference in society. One such individual is former Alabama Supreme Court Judge Roy Moore who took a firm stand to retain the Ten Commandments in his courthouse at great personal and professional sacrifice. He has since been removed from his seat on the court.

In the Scriptures, in Noah’s day, the entire world had become morally bankrupt. Everyone lived for his own pleasure rather than following God’s moral law. God was grieved and regretted that He had created man and woman. He considered wiping out the entire human race.

But, there was one man who changed God’s mind.
“But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord” (Genesis 6:8, The Holy Bible). Because of Noah’s faith in God, he and his family were saved in order to begin a new humanity after the great flood, which covered the earth and destroyed the rest of humanity.

Is God calling you to take a stand against the onslaught of moral decay in our community? Are you willing to hold to the traditional moral and spiritual values no matter what it may cost? Be assured that you may be ridiculed and persecuted. You may even face the threat of your life as many have in the past.

It is not a popular cause yet it is one that follows the path of our Lord Jesus Christ and will glorify God. William H. Bradhurst, a l9th century hymn writer, penned these powerful words,

    “O for a faith that will not shrink Tho pressed by many a foe,
    That will not tremble on the brink of any earthly woe.

    That will not murmur nor complain Beneath the chast’ning rod,
    But in the hour of grief or pain, Will lean upon its God.

    A faith that shines more bright and clear, when tempests rage without,
    That, when in danger, knows no fear, In darkness feels no doubt. 

    Lord, give me such a faith as this, And then, whate’er may come,
    I’ll taste e’en now the hallowed bliss of an eternal home.” 

(Excerpts taken from Amazing Grace, 366 Inspiring Hymn Stories for Daily Devotions, Kenneth W. Osbeck, Grand Rapids, MI, p. 321)
(Excerpts of this article were originally published in the “Your Faith” page of the
Newark Advocate, OH, 2003)